- The protection of the investor as a consumer, in Alexandridou (ed.), Consumer Protection Law, Nomiki Bibliothiki Publications, 2018, pp. 877-914.
- The release of the debtor (natural person) as a second chance, Chronicles of Private Law, 2018, pp. 495-504.
- Interpretation of articles 271, 273, 274, 275 Law 4072/2012, Contribution to the Collective Section. Personal Companies (edited by M. Marinos / G. Triantafillakkis), 2017, pp. 669, 686.
- Criminal liability of a chairman of a board of directors of a public limited liability company for non-payment of debts to the State, Criminal Justice 2/2017, pp. 105-112.
- Business Restructuring and the Obligation to Submit a Public Offer, in Business Restructuring (Alexandropoulou / Giannakourou Executive), 2015, Nomiki Bibliothiki, pp. 135-152.
- Action for damages due to violation of Free Competition Law: the Directive 2014/104/ΕΕ from the aspect of consumer protection, Monthly Review of Business and Company Law, 2015, pp. 673-688.
- The position of the guarantor in the rescue procedures of Bankruptcy Code, Chronicles of Private Law, 2014, pp. 249-258.
- Insolvency procedure: An interim evaluation, Review of Business and Company Law, 2014, pp. 291-302.
- The rescue of listed company in Bankruptcy Code, in Marinos (ed.), The anonymous company between company and insolvency law and capital market law, 2011, pp. 601-627.
- The collection of commercial debts during the reconciliation procedure, Monthly Review of Business and Company Law 2011, pp. 412-423.
- Contribution to the collective work “The Law on Limited Liability Companies” (Ε. Perakis ed.), 3rd edition, vol. 1, 2010, The listed company (pp. 21-44), introductory notes, arts. 25-35c (pp. 1097-1114), arts. 29 (pp. 1239-1248), 30 (pp. 1249-1258), 31 (pp. 1285-1289), 32 (pp. 1291-1295).
- Contribution to the Short Interpretation of Civil Code (Α. Georgiadis ed.), vol. Ι, 2010, arts. 806-809 (pp. 1559-1568) and 844-846 (pp. 1618 -1624).
- The delisting of shares in Greek law, in honorary Volume for Prof. Ι. Voulgaris, 2010, p. 481.
- (jointly with Μ. Orfanidou): The judicial approach of capital market cases: Especially in market abuse cases, in “Applications of Administrative, Substantive and Procedural Law” (Χ. Chrisanthakis ed.), Vol. Β΄, Administrative Court of Appeal, 2010, pp. 129-197.
- Listing of shares of maritime companies in the markets of Athens and London, in Maritime and Stock Exchange, 2009, pp. 99-133.
- The termination of the anonymous company, in Marinos (ed.), Issues from the new law of anonymous company, 2009, pp. 473 – 499.
- Investor’s Protection, in Alexandridou (ed.), Consumer Protection Law, 2008, pp. 665 – 689.
- Special regulations of listed companies in L. 2190/1920, Commercial Law Review 2008, p. 386-403.
- Prospectus Liability after law n. 3401/2005 and Directive 2003/71/EC, Commercial Law Review, 2007, pp. 3-22.
- Provision of insurance business services and consumer protection, Chronicles of Private Law, 2006, pp. 97-106.
- The application of consumer law to maritime insurance, ECDC 2006, pp. 343-357.
- Hostile takeover bids in Directive 2004/25/EC, Monthly Review of Business and Company Law, 2006, pp. 261-270.
- Violation of International Accounting Standards as a means of market manipulation, Commercial Law Review, 2006, pp. 1-17.
- International Accounting Standards in Securities Law, Enterprise 2005, pp. 985-991.
- Limited Liability Companies with shares traded in the Stock Exchange, Contribution to the collective work “The Law on Limited Liability Companies” (E.Perakis ed.), 2nd ed., vol. 1, 2002, p. 191 et sec.
- Connected Enterprises in Company Law, Contribution to the collective work “The Law on Limited Liability Companies” (E.Perakis ed.), 2nd ed., vol. 1, 2002, p. 253 et sec.
- The removal of the legal entity’s veil in the Law of the Societe Anonyme. Contribution to the Collective Work: The Law of the Societe Anonyme (ed. Per.), Vol. 1, 2002, pp. 243-251.
- The General Meeting in the Law on Limited Liability Companies, Contribution to the collective work “The Law on Limited Liability Companies” (E.Perakis ed.), 2nd ed., vol. 4, 2002, articles 29, 30, 31 and 32 of Law n. 2190/1920.
- The protection of minority shareholders in the case of transfer of control of a limited liability company, Monthly Review of Business and Company Law, 2001, 571.
- Provision of investment services and advertising, Stock Exchange and investor protection (CEDEW), 2O1, pp. 163-172.
- The recipient of investment services as a consumer, EKCDE 2001, p. 287
- The public offer and the distribution of shares as preconditions for the listing of shares in the Athens Stock Exchange, 2000.
- The assumption of responsibility of a parent credit institution for the obligations of a subsidiary financial institution (Article 14 of Law 2076/1992), Law of Business and Companies 1998, pp. 120 – 129.
- The Hellenic Capital Markets Commission, as the supervisory and controlling authority of the stock market, the Ombudsman, at least. 4, 1997, pp. 14-16. (Jointly with the Professor of the University of Sussex, HarryRajak), conference papers on the “Konzernrecht in Europa (Organhaftung des Mutterunternehmens)”, 22- March 23, 1996, Vienna, pp. 1-50 (summary paper pp. 1-10).
- Business groups: Economic reality and legal regulation, Export, Export Promotion Organization, 1995, pp. 23-43.
- “Distribution Systems and Customer Compensation”, Contribution to the Conference of the Competition Law Company on “Distribution Systems: Commercial Dealership, Distribution Contracts, Franchising”, Lamia, 11-12 December 1998.