- The parent company’s headquarters as a center of main interests of its subsidiary in the context of a cross-border insolvency proceedings (Opinion), Monthly Review of Business and Company Law, 8-9 / 2017, pp. 193-203.
- Claim for Compensation for Failure to Submit a Public Offer (opinion), EBM 2014, pp. 1051-1068.
- The principle of equal treatment of shareholders in takeover bids (legal opinion), Chronicles of Private Law 2013, pp. 537-548.
- (jointly with Ass. Professor Ap. Karagounidis): The participation in the recapitalization of credit institutions (L. 3864/2010) under national and EU law (legal opinion), Financial Law 2013, pp. 197-207.
- Insolvency procedure (arts. 99 et seq. of Bankruptcy Code): Acceptance of an application submitted by a company having concluded an agreement with its debtors under art. 44 of L.1892/1990 (legal opinion), Chronicles of Private Law 2011, pp. 301-308.
- The conclusion of equity swaps as a circumvention of the mandatory takeover bid (legal opinion), Chronicles of Private Law 2009, pp. 239 -250.
- Retention of title and corporate rescue agreement (legal opinion), Monthly Review of Business and Company Law 2008, pp. 408 – 411.
- (jointly with Prof. D. Triantafyllakis): Assessment of damage caused by transactions in listed shares (legal opinion), Greek Justice 2006, pp. 1308-1323.
- Suspension of trading in the Athens Stock Exchange, Chronicles of Private Law, 2004, 564.
- Defensive measures against a hostile takeover bid, Monthly Review of Business and Company Law, 2007, pp. 1032-1042.
- Mandatory takeover bid: Equitable price in the context of a put option contract, Monthly Review of Business and Company Law, 2007, pp. 399-405.
- Mandatory takeover bid in the case of a merger, Commercial Law Review 2002, 708.
- The advertisement of stock exchange transactions as a violation of the Unfair Competition Law, Monthly Review of Business and Company Law, 2002, 943.